[Album Review] Ohgod ‘The Great Silence’
ALBUM NAME: ‘The Great Silence’
RELEASE DATE: December 2017
COUNTRY: South Africa
CITY: Cape Town
GENRE: Instrumental Progressive post-rock
Stefan Steyn (Guitar)
David Houston (Guitar)
Danny Harris (Drums)
Mark Woolfrey (Bass)
Oh God, an instrumental progressive post rock band hailing from Cape Town, is back with their second release, The Great Silence. They’ve recently toured India and will be hitting Europe in May. They were nominated for four categories at the South African Metal Music Awards and took home the award for Best Progressive Metal.
Thus, it will come as no surprise when I say that this album is a thing of beauty.
From start to end the soothing echoes of haunting guitars, punchy drums and rhythmic bass are enough to calm any tortured soul. Every note is enchanting, creating irresistible desire. There is a myriad of intricate sounds, every layer revealing itself with each act of listening. The drums and bass create a pulsating heartbeat, forming the steady spine of this undulating creature. Its driven, pulsating cadences are given potency with their contrast to the moments of ethereal notes that pierce the silence, as well as contrasting with the silence itself. As Claude Debussy once said, “Music is the silence between the notes”. Changes of tempo and time signatures weave together seamlessly as the music takes on a natural progression of build ups and come-downs. Each member is an artist, painting a picture with their instruments.
The album starts off with Axiom, ‘a self-evident truth that requires no proof’. The song titles all hint at the story that is being interlaced – one of self-discovery and that which lies beyond. The album ends with Axiom falls, which by default suggests the fall of that which is accepted as true. A personal treat for me was the track, Avalanche, with its inclusion of the cello played by Luke Otto. I also particularly enjoyed the reappearance of Axiom falls from their EP Forest Feuds.
I had the pleasure of reviewing their first release, EP – Forest Feuds, and it has been a treat to be able to track their progress as a band. It is pleasing to say that The Great Silence far exceeds expectations and shows that the band has moved forward in leaps and bounds. While the production on Forest Feuds let down the band somewhat, the production on The Great Silence blows us out of the water and showcases this phenomenal band the way it deserves.
The only thing that can be done to give this band more justice is for you to find yourself the best pair of headphones you are able to get your hands on, (or better yet blast it as loudly as you can bear), turn the lights off and enjoy unravelling the layers.
Rating: 9/10
Reviewed by: Roushan van Niekerk
Shots fired by: Ohgod
Date: April 2018
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