The Metalist za caught up with AGRO as they prepared for Witchfest 2015 in Johannesburg which is shaping up to be the biggest metal festival to hit the African shores. The lineup features a host of international acts such as Cannibal Corps and Alestorm supported by some of South Africa’s heavy hitters, with AGRO being at the top of that list.






Witchfest 2015 pictures


11118061_785810011539783_5764675009552705944_n (1)What are you guys most looking forward to about your show?

We look forward to every show! But as WF is the first of its kind in Africa it’s an honour to be a part of it as we watch history being made!!

You guys have been around for like 20 years, and released about 7 albums. How do you manage to keep going?

For the love of HEAVY METAL!! It saddens us when people get in to metal for a while and then move on!! For us METAL is a life style and AGRO makes this life style a very interesting one J

You’re planning on releasing new material this year, what can we expect?

Yeah, new album this year. I think with AGRO you pretty much know what you will be getting as we are true to the music and its traditions but with the new lineup you can expect some over the top solos as well as some beautiful melodies over our traditional chugga chugga riff style!! You know, AGRO HEAVY METAL!!

Which are your favourite shows, clubs or festivals?

Like I say, I love all club shows but the festival culture in SA seems to be growing…

You’ve travelled the world, played in numerous countries with incredible bands. How do you think the SA scene compares?11098253_785809814873136_1209831856633306290_n

The SA metal scene needs to start spreading its wings and acknowledge ourselves as a standalone genre rather than just a small cog in the greater Alternative scene!! Festivals like Witchfest Open Air will hopefully change this mindset and we can further develop a real metal CULTURE!! Metal bands and all its sub genres celebrating real music together more often!! In Germany and most of Europe Metal-only festivals are the norm.

Where do you see yourselves going next, what are your plans for the future?

Right now our focus is the new album and then see where the wind blows us.

Who would win in a fight between Wolverine and The Hulk?

Wolverine will clobber the Hulk when he is not big and green!!

Interviewed by: Pierre Pressure (more from Pierre)

Shots Fired by: Sammy SF (more from Sammy)

Date: March 2015

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