The Metalist za caught up with Middleburg-metal-heads, Resurrection Of Fetal Remains ahead of their upcoming EP launch.
Take a look at what has been going on behind the scenes, leading up to the reveal of ‘Lord Of Gore’.
What inspired the name of the band ‘Resurrection of Fetal Remains’?
We Started playing originally without having a name. We got two songs done and realised we couldn’t be the nameless band. Each of us came up with suggestions but Theo took the cake with Resurrection of Fetal Remains. Because lets face it Zombie Babies are awesome. And it’s a name that makes a weird statement which reflects in all of our songs.
Why Groovy Bone-Crushing Romance and not Pig Squealing Filth? Personally, I like your tag line, so tell me how that phrase came about.
Well it’s all about our playing style. We have slow crushing breakdowns, catchy riffs with intensely low tuning . Complimented by blast beats and some crazy double bass on the faster instances. All wrapped together with extreme vocals to make our sound unique.
Could you, as a band, describe the writing process of your music?
We all work on ideas in our own time and when we get together as a band the collaboration starts and we build some kind of musical puzzle until we are happy with how everything fits together, then Theo (with his troubled and sadistic mind) writes inappropriate lyrics.
Let’s talk about the insanity that just dropped – the six track EP. I’ve been privy to hear some of the intense riffs but can you give our readers a sneak of what to expect?
The short answer; follow the link and find out… But you can expect some sick blasting beats, Groovy AF riffs, some insane vocals and just an all around good time.
In today’s society, everyone is easily offended. How do people handle your lyrics about death, gore and Explicit sexual interpretations? Has there been any backlash?
We in no shape or form try to offend anyone through our music. We feel we are just more honest and more openly explicit in the way we portray real life matters like rape and sexual trafficking. If we do offend some people, it’s because they have nothing better to do than get offended. We play for the people that actually understand the humour in chaotic and frowned upon topics.
And yes we have had backlashes, but we took care of it, personally….
Keeping with the above question, why do you feel the need to express such (gore, sexual interpretations) in your music?
We ourselves are quite normal in our daily lives. Being in ROFR gives us a chance to experience the darker side. We in no way condone the lyrics in the songs, It’s quite disturbing.
But in this genre it’s all about the darkest corners of your mind, the dark thoughts that plague you come to life.
I think it goes without saying that, recording an EP is no easy feat. It takes time, money and some sacrifice. What challenges did the band face in trying to get the EP out?
It was a challenging experience for all of us. We wanted to do the whole recording process by ourselves. There was a learning curve but as soon as we got it down the real work started. Some nights were frustrating, but we pushed through in the end. With our drummer staying in Johannesburg, we first started recording Guitar Ghost tracks that Wean and Karienus who were more than happy to oblige. Theo went to Desmond to get the basic drums done, it was a back and forth process for a bit but all and all we are very satisfied with the outcome. The EP process took 4 months and we are excited to reveal it HERE.
Hot topic right now is the state of the South African metal scene. Audiences are divided with some saying that the scene is falling apart and others saying that it’s developing. What’s your perspective on this?
We don’t believe it’s falling apart. Even though the politics are dictating the scene in some regards,
there is so much room for growth. There are some amazing bands in The South African scene and all we want is a crowd to play for. We urge all able metalheads to support our local acts and together we can build a great empire!
Death/Grind metal is very popular in South Africa – what’s ROFR relationship like with the other death/grind metal bands in the scene especially to the bigger bands like Vulvodynia?
We believe that we have a good relationship with all bands, just like them were just trying to have fun.
Theo, this one is for you: You are now the front man for Displeased Disfigurement. How are you going to straddle between the two bands or does ROFR have to take a side-step?
ROFR is most definitely not going to have to take a sidestep. In fact, I believe that gaining experience in each unique style will just make me a more adept vocalist and you can be sure that you will be hearing some very strange and unique vocal styles in the future for both bands.
What else can we expect from ROFR in the future?
There is so much more in store. We don’t want to spoil anything, but we have decided to include our newest song, “The Midnight Meat Train” on the EP. This is what you can expect from ROFR in the near future.
And lastly, the band has just passed the two-year anniversary mark. What keeps everyone going?
The passion and the love for the music. We will Grind until the end.
Make sure you check out Resurrection Of Fetal Remains in the flesh this weekend at their EP launch, alongside FenrisWulf, Omentum, Bleeding Spawn and Militant Matyr.
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