Title: Rise Betty Rise
Release Date: 28th October 2022
Genre: Alternative Rock / Desert
Betty’s Nuklear is an “alternative desert” rock band from the Garden Route, South Africa. With their vast mash-up of influences ranging from jazz to progressive metal, it’s the prevalent stoner rock vibe that really satisfies the ears. I must say that the journey these songs took me on, transported my body, mind and soul to the thriving SA rock scene of the 90s. But their sound isn’t just a nostalgic re-run; the definitive South African flare to Betty’s Nuklear, while being incredibly broad in their sonic appeal, hits in a way that feels fresh and modern.
The rhythm section of Shane Carew on the drums and hard-hitting Anthonie Botha boil the bluesy grooves while Dean Clark’s hard rock and pop influenced guitars set the foundation for frontman and lyricist Chad Abnett to truly let loose the classic rock story telling. While this EP is just a taste of their collective talents, I have no doubt that the optical treat of seeing them live will ultimately be where they shine the brightest.
My only gripe (read: constructive criticism) is the drum mix – but this is their first EP! It’s not a full-fledged album!!! This is what being in a rock band is all about: honing your craft. I say good luck to them!