[NEWS] Belgium based post-metal band BRIQUEVILLE release new music video for ‘Akte VI’

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Now for something a little different…

Yes, we are saying go check out this new music video from an epic underground European band, but more than that, check out their amazing (somewhat eery) story.


B R I Q U E V I L L E is a band shrouded in mystery.


”In order to do this anonymously and have the audience concentrate on the music, we decided to play with masks”, a band member explains.


The black Nazgûl-robes and golden masks that all band members wear on stage give their presence the air of an occult ritual… but B R I Q U E V I L L E are not chasing a GHOST; in fact they have worn their masks for 10 years plus, and even do so during rehearsals. The anonymity creates equality, and prevents a cult of personality… and makes it easier to swap out band members without anyone noticing.


So what is the inspiration behind this?


”When the band got out of the building after a rehearsal session, they ran into an old man who told them a story of a son murdering his father right at the entrance of that school, many years ago. He then pulled out a newspaper article to legitimize his story, before he disappeared.

That story stuck with us.

We kept asking ourselves why someone would keep an article recounting a patricide in their wallets for seventy years.

We couldn’t help but conclude this man we’d met must have been the son. Maybe our imagination was just doing overtime, but the grandparents of one of our band members confirmed the murder had happened… however, we were unable to trace the old man”


This ludicrous story has ever since served as inspiration for the band’s pounding sound.

On stage, they create an instrumental mantra of spooky guitars, modified field recordings and eery sampled chants. These meditative build-ups, based on the perseverant element of repetition, are contrasted with and ripped apart by sudden, unforeseeable outbursts of the purest and sheerest heaviness.



So now we say check out their new music video for ‘Akte VI’ and keep this story in your mind while you watch…

Let us know what you think!







‘Akte VI’ is off the band’s upcoming second album aptly title ”II” which is to be released September 29th 2017.

Upon the release of their debut self-titled album, the band buried 20 copies at various locations across the country (Belgium), and gradually released the coordinates on their Facebook page, animating fans to dig them up from the soil.


The idea was met with great enthusiasm among their quickly growing fan base, and will be revisited and extended for the release of ”II”.

The album is up for Preorder below:

Preorder link for BRIQUEVILLE: