[NEWS] OneDaySky release new music video for “Georgia”

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Johannesburg based post-hardcore quintet, OneDaySky, emerge from the studio with a new music video for their single “Georgia” What a pleasure it is welcoming this new track to The Metalist za platform. 


Written during a short hiatus, the song has a special place in their journey. As a band, it matured their writing process and let them venture into an area they have barely scratched the surface of.

The track carries the message that your past doesn’t dictate your future. Sometimes you feel trapped in your own skin, helpless, alone and scared but know this; you are the master of your own universe. Belief starts with a glimmer of hope that you thought you never had.


Georgia is a song about Innocence lost in an unwilling and ignorant way. This is the literal meaning of the song to me, but it has a broader platonic meaning; to which almost anyone can relate. Speaking up and moving on is the bigger message that we, as a band, want people to take from this song. Being afraid to speak up about injustices is just half the battle many face throughout their lives”. – Clinton Watts (Vocals) 


He adds, “This song wrote itself, and was and always will be a release for me personally. The title Georgia is a name derived from 2 personal coinciding events in my life which I choose to keep between me and close friends, as I want the song to be relatable to anyone that’s had a tragic past. Coming to terms about one’s past is tough but seriously uplifting once shared with those closest to you. This song is encouragement for those who need the push and the ears to listen. If this song’s message helps only 1 person, then I know speaking up truly has merit. You should speak up and know you’ll be stronger for doing so. Don’t be afraid to share what haunts you. You will grow from this!


The band explains, “Georgia has a very special place in all of our hearts. So, creating visuals that could carry the emotional weight of the song proved to be a back and forth amongst band members!”  At the end of the day, they came together and got a look and feel for the video that would hit home with any one; No matter who watches it! The performances needed to represent each member of the band on their own with matching photographs of them as children.


They incorporated a “dark” entity to each photo, hiding in the back, following them throughout life. The entity is a representation of our troubles in the past; each of us having our own personal “demons” that followed us throughout life up until now! It was imperative to show this, as every person in this world experiences heartache or pain.”


Video director and guitarist Eric Barnfather adds, “The resolution to the unsettling visuals is letting people know that it’s okay to be hurting through life, it’s how you come out of it that truly matters! What changes your life and guides your direction are the friends and family you have; and speaking out to people whom love you and care. We really hope people resonate with the song and the video because life is tough and it hard to go through alone. Sharing your story could save your life!”


Georgia is available on all digital platforms including


Apple Music


Google Play


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